To ensure a lasting and impactful transformation, TETTRIs has asked the wider community to co-create and test solutions. 54 applicants responded to our call for funding. Almost one third of TETTRIs Є6 million (1.8 million) has been successfully allocated to 12 external projects who applied for this cascade-funding.

These projects will help establish open access to collections data, design and test novel artificial intelligence and molecular tools, test training frameworks and involve citizen scientists in monitoring biodiversity hotspots. This community-based perspective is fundamental to the entire ethos of TETTRIs.

Read more about the scope of TETTRIs’ 7 topics and get to know the 12 awarded projects below.

We launched our deep dives to better understand who is behind these Third Party Projects and how their work is developing!


Madrid, Spain


UC, Portugal

Balkan PolliS

UNSPMF, Serbia

Topic 1: Species-level indexing of pollinator collections

This topic aims to address challenges in accessing reference collections of reliably identified pollinator specimens, crucial for species identification. The focus is on creating digital species-level indexes for European pollinators, including butterflies, bees, and hoverflies, to enhance online accessibility. The project seeks collaboration with TETTRIS consultants and encourages innovative approaches like citizen science involvement, reference collection improvement, protocol development, and AI testing. The expected outcomes include a freely accessible online mapping tool for European pollinator collections, aiding conservation, research, and species monitoring. Proposals must demonstrate practical impact, collaborative approaches, and innovative dimensions to biodiversity identification, monitoring, and conservation, with a detailed budget, timeline, and relevant expertise.


Seville, Spain



Topic 2: Improving access to local taxon lists and taxon-related scientific data through pragmatic name-mapping workflows

Topic 2 projects aim to tackle the challenge of linking local taxon lists with international databases like EUNomen/PESI and GBIF Checklist Bank to integrate decentralized research data effectively. By implementing pragmatic name-mapping workflows, these projects will facilitate better access to taxonomic data at European and international levels, benefiting biodiversity monitoring, red lists, and collection management systems. Collaborative efforts involving taxonomic experts, informaticians, and national red list infrastructure are essential, with projects expected to test and improve name matching and linking workflows, potentially leveraging innovative solutions like the Taxonomic Resolution Engine (TRE). Additionally, projects can explore innovations such as citizen science involvement, machine learning for automated mapping, and promoting open data practices, ultimately aiming to significantly enhance the linkage of taxonomic resources internationally.


Hamburg, Germany

Projects for Topic 3 aim to address the challenge of efficiently and accurately understanding the distribution and diversity of European terrestrial molluscs, crucial for conservation efforts and biodiversity protection. By developing an AI-based image recognition system, these projects will streamline the identification process for terrestrial molluscs in both field and collection settings, contributing to faster data acquisition and analysis. Collaborative efforts will involve cooperation with TETTRIs consultants to co-develop the AI system and test it in real-world scenarios, focusing on the digitization of terrestrial molluscs from multiple natural history collections. Innovations may include citizen science involvement, invasive species management using the image recognition model, biodiversity protection efforts, data sharing and collaboration, and technology development to enhance image recognition accuracy and data collection. Expected outcomes include the digitalization of a significant number of mollusc specimens, training of malacologists in digitalization and image recognition, and testing of the image recognition model in the field. Specific conditions include partners with well-maintained mollusc collections, experience in digitization and data uploading to GBIF, and involvement in organizations active in terrestrial mollusc taxonomy and conservation.


Andalusia, Spain

Topic 4: The co-development of AI-based sound recognition of European grasshoppers

Topic 4 will focus on developing AI-based sound recognition models for European grasshoppers to enhance biodiversity monitoring and conservation efforts. By training professionals and non-professional taxonomists in collecting sound recordings and organizing workshops, projects will contribute to improving the sound recognition algorithms annually. Collaboration with TETTRIs consultants and trainers is essential for organizing workshops, training participants, and collecting sound data. Innovations include the repetition of workshops with distance support, updating sound recognition models based on collected data, exploring the impact of invasive species on grasshopper populations, and investigating the use of sound recognition in biodiversity assessments. Expected outcomes involve demonstrating how training taxonomists in sound recording can enhance the model, resulting in broader usage and availability of training data.


Aas, Norway


Torino, Italy

Topic 5: Innovative molecular techniques for taxonomy: integrating genomic tools for the development of cost-effective genetic markers for species identification and delimitation

Projects for Topic 5 aim to address challenges in taxonomy by integrating innovative genomic tools for the development of cost-effective genetic markers for species identification and delimitation, particularly within species complexes in European biodiversity hotspots and protected areas. These tools are crucial as traditional markers often lack resolution to discern closely related species, leading to underestimation of biodiversity. TETTRIs aims to facilitate the development of user-friendly multilocus marker sets and advanced genomic tools through collaboration with taxonomists. Projects will validate and implement these tools, contribute to guidelines for dissemination, and generate reference datasets for training. Collaboration with TETTRIs specialists is compulsory to leverage mutual expertise, ensure method testing, and facilitate the development of thoroughly validated guidelines. Projects can enhance innovation by specifying the expected leverage of genomic tools, proposing additional innovations, planning dissemination to local taxonomists, and interlinking outcomes with other TETTRIs topics.





Topic 6: The development of training programs for taxonomic research

Topic 6 aims to develop taxonomic training programs to strengthen local capacity for biodiversity conservation in hotspots and protected areas. Projects will implement blended learning approaches, including online and face-to-face training, and collaborate closely with TETTRIs trainers. The training will focus on soil fauna, freshwater fauna, and pollinators, aiming to enable local communities to conduct taxonomic research, raise awareness of biodiversity importance, and establish long-term partnerships.



Topic 7: Innovative cross-disciplinary projects focused on involvement of citizen scientists in monitoring biodiversity hotspots

Topic 7 focuses on innovative citizen science projects aiming to involve citizens in monitoring biodiversity hotspots. Projects will address challenges such as ensuring data quality, engaging diverse participants, and addressing sampling bias. They will demonstrate practical impacts on biodiversity conservation, involve cross-disciplinary teams, and integrate innovative approaches to engage citizens and advance biodiversity science. Expected outcomes include raising public awareness, contributing to conservation efforts, and fostering capacity building in taxonomic research and education.