TETTRIs pictures compilation

Select the event you would like to see more picture about on the top bar here below and browse the best moments of the TETTRIs Project!

Kick Off Meeting (18-20 January 2023, Brussels, BEL) – Where everything started!

Stakeholder Lab 1 – (25th April, 2023, Wien, AUT) – The first Stakeholder Lab was at Deck50, in NHM Wien, focused on the SDGs.

Stakeholder Lab 2 (30th November 2023, Wien, AUT) – The second TETTRIs stakeholder lab took place on November 30th at Deck 50 in the Natural History Museum of Vienna. The lab brought together experts from Industry and taxonomy to discuss mutual opportunities. 

All Hands Meeting 1 (30-31 January and 1 February 2024, Brussels, BEL) – One year into the project, the AHM is an important moment for an initial assessment of the project.

The first Taxonomy Recognition Day (23 May 2024, 10 Countries, Multiple places) – 16 Partners from 10 European Countries celebrated at the same time the crucial importance of Taxonomy as the alphabet of all natural sciences.