Governance Structure
Ana Casino
- CETAF, Technical Coordinator
Frederik Hendrickx
- RBINS, Financial Coordinator
Marta León Monedero
- CETAF, Project Manager
Carole Paleco
- RBINS, Gender and Diversity Champion
1.General Assembly (GA)
- Ultimate decision-making body of the consortium
- One representative from each one of the 17 partners.
- Chaired by the Project Coordinator (CETAF)
- Project Manager (PM) and 2 Pillar Coordinators (PiCs) participate with no voting rights acting as facilitators of the meeting
- Meets once a year
- in the first meeting (18-20 January 2023), appoints the members of The Strategic Advisory Board (SAB), members of The Community Implementation Board (CIB), and the Ethics Advisor (EA) suggested by the EB
2. Executive Board (EB)
- Main executive branch of the project
- Meetings chaired by the Project Coordinator
Composed by: Project Coordinators (RBINS/CETAF): intermediary between the Parties and the Granting Authority; Project Management Team (PMT): Project Manager, Communications Manager, and Administration Manager: the 8 WP leaders (of which 2 are also Pillar coordinators): LUOMUS, FUB-BGBM, NATURALIS, NHMC-UOC, SMNS, MEISE BG, IBOT-CAS, NHMD, CETAF/RBINS
3. An Ethics Advisor (EA)
- to be appointed in the first GA (kick-off meeting)
- to resolve conflicts and guarantee that good ethics practices are upheld in the project
4. External Advisory Boards: Strategic Advisory Board and Community Implementation Board
- Members selected based on their recognized scientific or technical merit.
- The PC & PMT, in consultation with the EB, should compile a list of potential members.
- The list shall be put forward for voting by the First General Assembly (kick-off meeting).
4.1 Strategic Advisory Board (SAB)
- External body of high-qualified experts
- to support the evaluation and strategic development of the project and the overall project management specifically on those matters raised by the Coordinators and the EB
- to provide recommendations for improvement (if needed)
- meetings at least once a year
- Supported by the PMT
- Report directly to the GA and ad hoc to EB and/or the PCs
- Participates in the GA with voice but no voting rights
Composition of the Strategic Advisory Board:
Dagmar Triebel, Botanische Staatssammlung, München, Germany
Michelle J. Price, Conservatoire et Jardin Botanique de la Ville de Géneve, Geneva, Switzerland
Niklas Wahlberg, Biological Museum, Department of Biology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Michal Horsák, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Olwen Grace, Royal Botanic Garden of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde, Institut National de recherche pour l’agricolture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE) centre d’Orléans et institut de recherche sur la Biologie de l’insecte: Tours, Centre-Val de Loire, France
Leen Vandepitte, Vlaams Instituut voor den zee (VLIZ), Oostende, Belgium
Simona Bonelli, Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell’Uomo, Torino, Italy
4.2 Community Implementation Board (CIB)
- formed by representatives of non-partners of the project to ensure uptake of the outcomes by the community and leverage on other complementary initiatives.
- involved in the assessment of the implementation of Three Parties Projects Grants
- meetings at least twice a year
- supported by the PMT
- participates in the GA with voice but no voting rights
Composition of the Community Implementation Board:
Maria Alexiou Chatzaki, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Rút Bízková, ISFOR, Institute for Society 4.0.: Founder and chairwoman of the board of directors
Mgr. Igor Malenovský, Masaryk University
Aletta Bonn, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv)
Oliver Betz, University of Tübingen
Mihaela Pavlicev, University of Vienna
Karen Soacha, ICM-CSIC
Muki Haklay, University College London
Maria Vandewalle, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
Diego Fontaneto, National Research Council, Italy