TETTRIs and Skills4eosc join forces for the Stakeholder Lab in Brussels


TETTRIs and Skills4eosc organise the Stakeholder Lab that will take place on November 6th, 9:00 am – 14:00 pm at the Vienna House, Brussels

For policy-makers, this event offers a unique opportunity to understand how Open Science skills can enhance evidence-based decision-making across various domains. The focus on taxonomy provides a tangible example of how these skills can be applied to support key policy areas such as biodiversity conservation and the implementation of the EU Green Deal. The event also aims to gather other major categories of stakeholders including organisations in the area of Citizen Science, education and training, private sector and research. The event will open pathways to understand how the fundamental sciences centred around taxonomic research and the overarching principle of open science can largely contribute to societal advances.


Moderators: Michael Magee (TETTRIs), Betty Evangelinou (Skills4EOSC)

09:00 – 09:15 | Registration and Welcome Coffee

09:15 – 09:45 | Opening & Impulse sessions

  • Welcome: Michaela Kauer (Vienna House)
  • Introduction from the organiser: Katrin Vohland (NHMW) 
  • Introducing CETAF and TETTRIs project: Ana Casino (CETAF)
  • Introducing Skills4EOSC project: Sara Di Giorgio (GARR)

09:45 – 11:00 | Session 1 – Interdisciplinary taxonomic capacity needs in a multi-faceted approach

  1. Scientific dimension: Javier Lopez Albacete (DG Research and Innovation) (tbc)
  2. Environmental dimension: Frank Vassen (DG Environment, European Commission, Nature Protection Unit)
  3. Educational dimension: Milena Dobreva (University of Strathclyde/RDA Working Group)
  4. Economic dimension: Lydia Korinek (ZOE- Inst for Future Economies)
  5. Political dimension: Bernhard Zlanabitnig (EEB)
  6. Collections as research infrastructures: Dimitris Koureas (DiSSCo, Leiden, Netherlands)

11:00 – 11:30 | Coffee Break

11:30 – 13:30 | Session 2 – What is the impact envisioned by ensuring trained experts 

  1. Global Perspective: Pierre Huybrechts (CEBioS/GTI NFP)
  2. Immersion in the biodiversity strategy in Europe: Andreas Gumbert (DG Environment)
  3. Integration of our results (Taxonomic work + Skills4EOSC) into research infrastructure: (Open science collections): Patricia Mergen (Botanical Garden Meise)
  4. Raise awareness and engagement with citizen scientists: Enrico Balli (ECSA)
  5. Synergies with industry: Rena de Mey (Wienerberger)
  6. Future dimension: Amelie Höcherl (SMNS/ZSM)

13:30 – 13:40 |Closing remarks: Ana Casino, Sara Di Giorgio & Katrin Vohland

13:40 | Goodbye aperitif

During the lunch break there’ll be plenty of time for networking. There’ll also be a booth where you can get hands-on experience with species identification, meet taxonomists and learn about different biodiversity data gathering initiatives. 


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