TETTRIs reaches 18-month milestone with a successful Interim Review Meeting in Brussels

The Horizon EU-funded TETTRIs project has reached its 18-month milestone, marking the conclusion of its first interim period. In accordance with the Grant Agreement, the project underwent a review by the Granting Authority. The Interim Review Meeting took place on July 25, 2024, at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels.

The meeting was led by TETTRIs’ Project Officer, Colombe Warin (EU REA), along with the appointed reviewer, Ana Jesovnik. The goal was to assess the project’s compliance with the Grant Agreement and ensure it meets the required standards.

The meeting began with a brief introduction from Colombe Warin, followed by an overview of the project framework presented by Ana Casino, TETTRIs’ technical coordinator. Throughout the session, the leaders of the various Work Packages presented their key achievements, challenges, and progress made during the first 18 months of the project. The productive meeting concluded with detailed feedback from the reviewer, Ana Jesovnik, additional remarks from Colombe Warin, and closing comments from Ana Casino.

This review marks a significant milestone for the TETTRIs project, ensuring it remains on track to meet its objectives and is well-prepared for the next phase. The recommendations provided will be carefully implemented in the second and final period of the TETTRIs project.


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