TETTRIs website is online!

… And it’s finally online!

We’ve just delivered everything we need to for moving on the TETTRIs, and publishing the website was one of those.

The official website of TETTRIs is designed by Webfluencer under the indications of the contributors to the communications task in the EU-funded project. Webfluencer has taken the responsibility of capturing the essence of the project and translating It Into a modern, lively and appealing visual concept with a friendly, smooth and target-oriented format. Is intended to act as an information hub about the project’s vision, objectives, activities and results. It has been conceived to respond to the needs of different target groups, such as – for example – the policy-makers and citizen scientists. 

It’s still not complete, and will probably be in constant evolution, since it should host new sections in the following months and year of the project.

The website is responsive, designed considering the increasing number of users accessing from mobile devices, and structured trying to avoid unnecessary animations, heavy motion graphics or anything else that could make it slower.

We’ve conceived the website as the main public dissemination tool and the navigation should be made super-easy thanks to a double menu bar and to a clear distinction in three main areas. The super-compact home page is characterized by the tripartition of the page itself, which presents the first screen as a guide to invite the visitor to discover the project. There is indeed, on the left, the way to reach the three main areas of the project – well distinguished by different colors: the first one concerns the structure and architecture of TETTRIs (in orange), the second one is about the people and the partners behind TETTRIs (dark green) and the third one will be dedicated mainly to the call and the incoming third party project (light blue). From here, the user can access three “sub-home page”, very useful for navigating the details of the sections… And don’t forget to browse the hamburger-menu in the top-right corner, there are more features to discover!

We hope you’ll appreciate this! Let us know if you’re encountering issues when browsing the website writing info@tettris.eu

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook 


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