TETTRIs successfully launched!

TETTRIs (Transforming European Taxonomy through Training, Research and Innovations) is a brand new European Project, funded by the Horizon Europe CL6 Call. 

Officially started on December, 1st, 2022, TETTRIs just had its kick-off meeting (KoM) and First General Assembly in Brussels, from the 18th to the 20th of January, 2023. 

The KoM was organized by CETAF (the Consortium of the European Taxonomic Facilities) and the Royal Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences, precisely in the historical premises of RBINS.

TETTRIs is a 42 months project that aims to tackle the so-called taxonomic impediment. Taxonomic expertise and knowledge are crucial for preventing biodiversity loss. During the three days meeting, the representatives from the 17 european partners (coming from 11 different countries) went through the Work Packages, Deliverables and Milestones they will have to face and deliver in the coming years to carry out this important project and make its impact effective in both policy-making and concrete applications in industry.

“The kick-off meeting is always a fundative moment for any European Project” – says Ana Casino, CETAF’s Executive Director  – “and it’s particularly true in those kinds of projects consisting of such a big team with relatively new people. We are really proud to be the technical coordinator of the TETTRIs Project because we think it will help to raise awareness of taxonomy in general. Indeed, we are continuously talking about the need to protect biodiversity. But how can we protect something we don’t know is there? Taxonomy is the science that gives us the scientific knowledge about biodiversity” – continues Casino – “and must be recognized as the basis of nature conservancy.”

TETTRIs will get into action very quickly: while Social Media channels are already online (@TETTRIsEU both for Twitter and Facebook), the website will be online before the end of February.

“A crucial moment of the Project will come in spring” – explains Ana Casino – “since TETTRIs will open the call for third-party projects aiming to improve the transfer of taxonomic knowledge and the creation of new expertise, granting cascade grants for a total amount of 1.8 million euro. Those projects will be at the core of the impact of TETTRIs.”


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